Hypixel how to join guild
Hypixel how to join guild

hypixel how to join guild

The project uses code from avaire/avaire, primarily the chat functionality built for JDA, making messaging easier.


GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 Hypixel Skyblock Assistant relies on the following projects: Name Note: Make sure the port the web servlet is running on is open and accessible by the web UI. The app_url property is the link to where the web UI is hosted, so linked for guild scan reports can be generated correctly. The web servlet sets up a JSON API that runs within the bot itself, the API is used by the web portion of the bot, allowing people to view guild scan reports in an easy to read and understand way. Note The MySQL user must be able to create, delete, and modify tables for the database that is used, since the bot uses a migration system to automatically roll out database changes between updates.


The database properties are used to connect to the database that the bot should use, the database is required for the bot to function correctly since UUIDs, guild, player, and profile data is cached for long periods of time in the database, as-well as verification so the bot remembers which Discord account is linked with what Minecraft username. The leaderboard URI is the URI that the leaderboard tracker is hosted at, when a custom URI is provided the bot will instead use that API for all guild and player leaderboards, however if the value is left at null, the bot will default back to using the public leaderboard API. If you don't already have a Hypixel API token you can get one by logging into the server using mc. and running /api. The Hypixel token is used to communicate with Hypixels API, allowing to bot to get player, profile, and guild information for the Skyblock gamemode. If you don't already have a Discord bot application setup you can easily create one by going to, create a new application, give it some name, then click on "Create a Bot User", and you're good to go! Hypixel Token The Discord token is used to login into Discords web services, allowing the bot to go online and respond to commands. If you're interested in creating your own leaderboards instead of using the public leaderboard API, you can follow the instructions on the Hypixel Skyblock Leaderboard repository to setup the API with a custom list of guilds to track. The guild and player leaderboards are created by the Hypixel Skyblock Leaderboard project, which provides an API for the bot to pull the leaderboard data from, and a way to create and manage the leaderboards while not really affecting the bot itself. Running the app with prod will build all the assets for a production environment, you can also use dev for a development environment, or watch for setting up a watcher that will re-build the project anytime it sees changes being made to the files. To get started, clone down the repository using: Note: If you're not looking for a Discord bot but still want a weight calculator you can checkout LappySheep/hypixel-skyblock-weight for a different take on the weight calculation.

  • Settings command to configure and customize all the features above.
  • hypixel how to join guild

    Broadcasting system to announce messages through the bot.

    hypixel how to join guild

  • Donation & Splash trackers to see who contribute the most to the guild.
  • Scanning the entire guild to calculate guild averages, and to see who meets what rank requirements.
  • Checking what rank a user should have based on the requirements that have been setup.
  • Defining guild rank requirements through the bot.
  • Automatic renaming users to their IGNs.
  • Guild linking with the bot, which provides features like:.
  • Calculators for skills and pet experience.
  • Guild and Player leaderboards(Includes individual leaderboards for skills and slayer types).
  • Commands to track and see stats for skills, slayers, bank, auction house, talismans, & pets.
  • Hypixel rank assignment(Auto giving MVP++, VIP, etc).
  • Verification system to verify their IGNs.
  • Hypixel Skyblock Assistant is a Discord bot created for the Hypixel Network, primarily the custom Skyblock gamemode they have created, the bots main focuses is to help guilds on Hypixel manage their Discord server by automatically synchronizing guild ranks, allowing users to verify themselves through the bot, and get stats about themselves or other people for the Skyblock gamemode.

    Hypixel how to join guild